Download bitdefender uninstall tool
Download bitdefender uninstall tool

download bitdefender uninstall tool

It is worth noting that you will need to uninstall Bitdefender on Windows 10’s VPN before removing the Bitdefender agent. In case, however, there are other Bitdefender programs still on your systems, such as Bitdefender agent or Bitdefender VPN, that you also want to remove, then click close and repeat the above steps for the other remaining programs.

  • Wait for the uninstall process to finish, then if you are done uninstalling all the Bitdefender programs you want to be removed, then click restart device to reboot your system.
  • Then uncheck the box if you do not fancy filling out a Bitdefender survey, then click the remove option and click next to continue.
  • If a Windows user account control prompt is displayed, then choose yes.

    download bitdefender uninstall tool

    Click Uninstall again to confirm your preference.

    download bitdefender uninstall tool

    Then find Bitdefender products you are looking to remove and select the uninstall option.You need then to click the app’s icon on the left-hand panel. Click on start and then click settings.You need to read the instructions and follow the procedure carefully. You can uninstall Bitdefender on Windows using the steps given below. Steps To Uninstall Bitdefender on Windows Follow the below guide and the entire process take no more than just 10 minutes. While it is dead easy to uninstall Bitdefender, failing to do so in the recommended way outlined below could lead to unwanted files remaining on your device, leading to issues when installing different antivirus programs down the line. Nevertheless, users of the well-regarded software may at some point wish to look to remove the software from the PC, be it due to the subscription has expired or because they are looking to try a different antivirus provider. It has become one of the most popular consumer solutions currently available. Bitdefender is known to be one of the best antivirus software tools out there in regard to its high-end features and for its free version, including its paid-for-tiers.

    Download bitdefender uninstall tool